Add N to X - On The Wires Of Our Nerves

As pure as it gets without all the purist sentimentality, Add N To X put all their hands well and truly on their hot gear. No wasted space, which is just the way we like it here.

Having missed their window of opportunity by as much as twenty five years it's kind of lucky that things came together for the trio when they did. Here in the future, signing a record deal with a cool label and all that. There's also a very good chance that mature audiences may actually get it, and even those that don't can always pretend to.

Hit Me is an excellent example of a track that's like "oh yeah.....what is this". The best thing is the way in which none of the sounds throughout have been sanitized to the point where it's all just one big mess. Instead there's a rawness which is at once appealing, and they all seem like they're having a good time.

An oddity though. One of them regularly continues playing after the others have finished. That one requires some attention before they go out of control, because that's what Add N to X is all about, somehow staying in control.

At first I hated it. Now I can't stop playing it.

Rating: 974,022 (out of a possible 1,000,000)